I know it's been forever since I've updated this, but I haven't had anything to update until now. I've raised about half of my funds for the trip! Now I have a donate button that links to my paypal account so that donations can be made all the easier :)
Also, I finally heard back from the people at Baptist Youth this past week! The first email came on last Wednesday asking for my references email addresses. I sent them to her, and then Thursday she emailed me again asking for me to get a background check (I'm not a criminal, YAY!) and suggesting that I purchase travelers insurance :) Sitting here writing this at 1:30am I'm all nervous and giddy and excited and ready to go and not come back. Forget UTK, I'll just find a college over there and finish in Ireland. Maybe its the lack of sleep talking...
New subject! First goal before Ireland, Finish all my "in progress" books...not sure if that will happen with 37 days till I leave. Goal number 2, get KidStuf prop room all clean and sorted. Goal 3, I'm starting to reset my internal clock to avoid jetlag...my goal is to be going to bed by 9pm and waking up at 6am which is like going to bed at 2am and and waking up at 11am, which is what I normally do and then I can adjust to whatever the camp schedule is. Speaking of lack of sleep, I'm going to be waking up early to go down to Soddy to visit family tomorrow morning around 7 or 8...yay lack of sleep!